A bit lame if I blog about this, but whatever you may say, I just miss 'em like hell.

Terkadang gua suka iri sama temen-temen SMA yang kumpul sama temen-temen SMP nya segampang beli kacang. No offense, tp sumpah, ketemu sama CFX '09 itu susahnya kayak dimensi 3.
But when I tell this thang to my Dad, bokap gue cuma bilang, "Wajar lah temen-temen SMP-mu itu sekolah bukan di sekolah ecek-ecek." You may see, temen sekumpulan gue itu di 8, 28 & 38 :D

And suddenly Didit's phrase just popped out right after my Dad talk bout it.

Kita jangan sering-sering ketemu, lima tahun lagi ketemu. Kita liat, lo jadi apa semua.

Dan here we go again, tryin' to reach our dreams by ourselves with different ways.

I got the point somehow and I miss being with you guys.
You guys still the best I've had, dengan semangat belajar yang luar biasa!


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